I provide emotional
support for parents of
neurodivergent kids,
through online therapy
in California.
They told you parenting would be tough, but you didn’t know how tough. You are always questioning if what you are doing is right for your child and it feels like the stakes are even higher when your child is autistic or has ADHD. Everyone has an opinion but no one knows what it is like to walk a day in your shoes with your child. Sometimes those opinions are so strong that they leave you questioning what you are sure is right for your family.
No one understands the highs and lows, the exhaustion and the isolation. What it is like when your child’s needs alone exceed the number of hours in the day or when you are so overwhelmed that you can barely get the bare minimum done.
Through it all, parts of your life are clouded by this bittersweet sadness of, “I love my child but I feel like we are both missing out on so much.” You sometimes feel like you and your partner are constantly at odds about what is right to do for your child. And sometimes you have this anger at the situation that you just can’t explain. Parenting a child with additional needs can be so overwhelming at times that it is all you can do to get out of bed and get the basics handled.
Imagine feeling sure that you know what is best for your child and what steps you should be taking. That you are rested and able to take care of yourself and your child in a way that allows both of you to flourish and grow.
The sadness that has colored your life for so many years may still be there but it isn’t shaping your everyday interactions and isn’t a huge cloud over your life anymore. You are able to see your child’s strengths and have ways to help your child where they struggle. Your relationship feels like the two of you are working together as a team again. You are slowly going from surviving to coping and then from coping to thriving.
I know that you already have so many obligations on your shoulders and I try to make it as easy as possible to get the support you need. I have both morning and evening appointments available and can see you by video from anywhere in the state via online therapy in California.
I also run groups for parents of neurodivergent kids(ADHD and/or Autism) and parents of kids who are struggling with mental health issues. To get on the interest list email me here.
* A note about the language on my website- you will notice that I use a variety of terms for Autistic and ADHDer kids. I use different terms in different places on my site because I want to make sure that I am able to help parents in all stages of their journey. Remembering that parents early in the journey have not learned about the preferred language. So there are times on my site that I use this language so that I can reach everyone that needs support in their journey.